Camera visibility texture






Houdini 19.5


Masking all visible texture pixels that face the camera and are located inside its viewing frustum.

1 Code discussion

A 2D volume is used to store the visibility of texture pixels. After adressing the camera path with chs('camera'), the volume's bounding box is turned into uvw coordinates spanning across the volume. Next, the uvw coordinates distance to the UV corrdinates of the mesh is measured with uvdist. The according primitives and intrinsic UV coordinates on the specific primitives are returned to int pr; and vector uv;

After initializing the mask = 0, we only draw to voxels that lie directly on the texture islands and not in the empty space between them by making sure the dist < 1e-3.

We obtain world positions with primuv(1, 'P', pr, uv); and normal devices coordinates with toNDC(cam, pos);. Normal device coordinates show the point positions as seen by the camera projected to the screen. Then the texture pixels get filtered out by consecutive conditions regarding the cameras frustum: if(p.x..) from the viewing area between left and right of the cameras, if(p.y..) for below the top and above the bottom and if(p.z < 0.0) for the area in front of the camera.

The last condition that needs to be met, in order for a texture pixel to be seen is the returned hit primitive number of an intersect-ray that is shot towards the camera. If nothing is in the way from the surface towards it if(hit_pr < 0) then this pixel is going to be seen, hence mask = 1;.

string cam = chs('camera');

vector bb = relbbox(0, v@P);
vector uvw = set(bb.x, bb.y, 0.0);

int pr;
vector uv;
float dist = uvdist(1, 'uv', uvw, pr, uv);

int mask = 0;

if(dist < 1e-3){
    vector pos = primuv(1, 'P', pr, uv);
    vector p = toNDC(cam, pos);
    if(p.x > 0.0 && p.x < 1.0){
        if(p.y > 0.0 && p.y < 1.0){
            if(p.z < 0.0){
                vector nml = primuv(1, 'N', pr, uv);
                matrix xform_cam = optransform(cam);
                vector pos_cam = cracktransform(0,0,0,0,0, xform_cam);
                vector dir_cam = pos_cam - pos;
                int hit_pr = intersect(1, pos + nml * 1e-3, dir_cam,
                vector(0.0), vector(0.0)); 
                if(hit_pr < 0){
                    mask = 1;

f@vis = mask;

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