Guiding wires through a volume




Modeling, Hard-surface


Houdini 19.5


A bunch of points travel through a volume while avoiding obstycles drawing non-intersecting curves.

Points and volume are mutually affecting each other: The volume is cumulatively painted by the distance to the nearest point while the points are moving along the gradient of the constantly updated volume.

1 Code discussion

The volume is initialized by raytracing shadows using intersect() and a gradient along the bounding box bb.y. So the points will later travel upwards while escaping from shadow areas.

// volume wrangle
vector dir = chv('direction');
dir = normalize(dir);

int prim_hit = intersect(1, v@P, dir, vector(0.0), vector(0.0));

vector bb = relbbox(0, v@P);

f@d = prim_hit < 0;
f@d *= bb.y;

Inside the solver the points paint the volume by distance leading to dark trails through the volume. That way other points will avoid crossing the trails later.

// volume wrangle
int pt_near = nearpoint(0, v@P);
vector pos_pt = point(0, 'P', pt_near);
float dist = distance(pos_pt, v@P);
float mask = smooth(0.02, 0.05, dist);

f@d *= mask;

Moving points along the volumes normalized gradient. Points travel towards bright areas of the volume, avoiding shadows, boundaries and point trails.

// point wrangle
vector grad = volumegradient(1, 'd', v@P);
v@P += normalize(grad) * 0.01;
